Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
Wyatt & The Whog PLUS a chat with Rachel Luttrell

Wyatt & The Whog PLUS a chat with Rachel Luttrell

Wyatt is having the baddest of all bad days...
And when he gets sucked into a magical world,
it's about to become wildly worse.

Read by Rachel Luttrell
This story is rated "PG"

Wyatt  & the Whog was written by Angelique Fawns and first published in the Mannison Press anthology, "Little Boy Lost".  

Rachel Luttrell is an actor and singer, and my lifelong best friend. She was born in Tanzania but moved to Toronto at the age of five. She's accomplished many wonderful things in her life, including performing the role of kick-ass warrior Teyla Emmagan in Stargate Atlantis.

Stay tuned after her reading for a revealing and no-holds chat about the story, podcasting, and  what it's like to reach the milestone of 50 years old. 

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Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
"Read Me A Nightmare" brings strange short stories to life. A fan of Twilight Zone? Tales from the Crypt? Mixing genres, these tales come from the realms of sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and comedy. A writer yourself? Stay tuned after the readings for interviews with editors, publishers, voice actors and other interesting folks in the industry. Visit to learn more. Please --if you enjoy the episode, leave a review!