Cat’s Eye Press - Modern Mummies
Horror - Feb 1 - Feb 28 - 1,500-5,000 - 5c a word - sim subs yes, can send 2 stories - Mummies have been a staple of the horror genre for decades. From Universal Classic Monsters, to 1987’s Monster Squad, to Goosebumps and everything in between, the mummy is enduring. Literally.
That said, the “mummy genre” is not without its flaws. For instance, it has not always been kind to characters of color. Racial stereotypes are prevalent, and white characters often take the lead against these ancient archetypes. Many stories also run through the same well-trodden path as mummy stories before them, with mummies cast as the silent, stumbling villain.
We want to change that.
We want to give a revamp (no vampire pun intended—we’re strictly talking about mummies here) mummy stories through a new anthology.
We’re curious what you think a mummy might have to say about modern-day living. What might they have to say about their new surroundings and the colonialism that brought them there? How might these things influence their actions over the course of the story?
Modern mummies could also mean a modern-day person being mummified and its ramifications. We’d like you to think about how social media or our politics might react to a “new wave” of mummification. And what does that say about death in the modern era?
We are also keenly interested in seeing:
Mummies as heroes AND villains
Diverse characters with agency (we’d love to see stories with gender-inclusive, BIPOC, queer, and/or disability visibility)
Mummification from around the world (i.e. not just Egypt)
Non-human mummies
Unique, modern settings (museums are not off-limits, but we do foresee quite a few stories taking place in that setting.)
Elder Things Expeditions
Horror - Jan 1 - March 31 - 3000-6000 words - 8c per word up to 3000 words, then 3c per word after - no reprints - no sub-sims - Theme - Stories about the Exploration of Antarctica in three time periods (past/present/future) that deal with Lovecraftian themes. (to my understanding, you don’t have to have all 3 times periods in your story, they are buying up to 5 stories for each time period.)
Elder Things Expeditions is the seventh in our Lovecraftian anthologies. In it, we explore three sections of time in exploration of Antarctica leading to revelations about the nature of the denizens, normal and paranormal, residing there. Reference can be made to funding by Miskatonic University, but be careful how you deal with the names and events that may be protected by copyright.
The Past
From 1700 to 1960, multiple expeditions by several organizations ventured into the Antarctic wilderness with mixed success. We want your take on an expedition not previously known. References to previously published material in the Mythos is acceptable, but avoid plagiarism. This will be monitored closely for copyright protection issues
The Present
From 1960 to 2100, expeditions have been and will be sent to the white wasteland. Bases will be constructed, developed, and possibly destroyed. We want your ideas on how this was or will be accomplished and the ultimate fate of such.
The Future
2100 and on will see a continuation of explorations and probably eventual settlement of Antarctica through technological advancements. How will this turn out? Will there be a final confrontation with the Elder Things that inhabit the mystery continent or will humanity meet its end?
Submissions of all work should be sent to -MY INSIGHTS - I’ve sold two stories to this press and they are lovely to deal with.
Lit - Theme: Snakes - max words 2200 - they say they pay, but I couldn’t find an exact amount. min 30 Euros, I believe - deadline March 10 - INSIGHTS - I’ve subbed here a few times, but never heard back. - They use a form for submitters. Access it here.
Certain Age Magazine
Lit - opening for poetry subs Feb 1, fiction open now - Pay $75 per piece - 5000 word max - no reprints - sub sims yes -We welcome literary-leaning fiction, short stories or stand-alone novel excerpts, that use narrative to explore the full realm of human experience. Their mission statement is “Certain Age: A place where women tell the truth about their lives. - Send submissions to
Include the genre of your submission in the subject line (i.e., Nonfiction Submission or Photographs Submission, etc.).
Add a brief introduction to the work in the body of the email, why you see it as a fit for Certain Age, and any background on yourself (prior pubs, cat names, etc.).
Insights - they want you to include name, mailing address, and phone number, and 3 links to previous pubs in your cover letter - I reached out to the editor
and she gave this hint: “I love work that is unflinching in its truth and uncompromising in its voice.”The Cosmic Background
Slipstream - Open Now - 10c a word - 1000 words max, can go a little higher - reprints at 3c a word
We want the single best piece of flash fiction you have that comes from the places in-between. We are primarily a slipstream publication -- that means we like your stories that don't make a ton of sense. We want your giant talking frogs. We want your people with unexplained, never commented-upon eyes in their fingertips. We enjoy character-focused writing, with an emphasis on voice.
MY INSIGHTS - Sam Asher, publisher, bought a story of mine a couple years ago, and is truly one of the nicest guys. Here is the story: The Sentient Sea of Sargassum. When I was “suffering” at my first book signing at World Fantasy Con, he was one of the 3 people who bought my book. I asked Sam why he started his magazine:
Stories like yours. The Sentient Sea grabbed me and sung at me and made me want to give you cash dollars and shout about it from the rooftops. Before the Cosmic Background existed, I had no means of doing that and was witnessing all of these wonderful, weird, hard-to-classify stories struggle to find homes at some of the older pro-paying magazines. When Daily SF (RIP) closed, I realized there were absolutely zero magazines left that would pay pro-rates for shorter stories, and I decided I should stop angsting about that, and do something positive for my community.
I asked him if he had advice for authors subbing to his magazine:
Stories involving children overcoming shitty adults in some way are something I love, as is anything that makes me cry. Bring a tear to my eye in 500 words and I'll buy your story.
The Joining: Scenes of Wedding Terror
HORROR - Crystal Lake Publishing - 2c a word - Jan 1st- March 1st - 2500 - 5000 words - No Reprints - Editor - Jacob Steven Mohr - Looking for stories concerning the rite of matrimony. Weddings are unusual events, bringing together masses of humanity that might never interact under any other circumstance, requiring them to travel great distances or take part in bizarre rituals ranging from the solemn to the frenzied and sometimes even dangerous…
But: stories submitted to The Joining need not concern only the event itself. They might take place at any time, so long as nuptials are central to the narrative. Imagine it: proposals gone wrong, literal bride-zillas, unsettling in-laws, bachelor parties that end in bloodshed—and of course, trips to destination weddings held just north of Hell itself… MY INSIGHT - I sent them a story, but had to withdraw it when it was purchased by Pulp Literature. (Read the whole story of the 51 rejections it took before I sold that story.)
Memento Mori Ink Magazine
Horror - 2026 Anthology exploring the power of artifacts or relics working with Crystal Lake Publishing- deadline June 1 - 2c a word - 3000-5000 words - no sub-sims - In this collection, we explore the power of Memento Mori artifacts or relics. We want ancient objects or seemingly mundane items that have the power to whisper to those who possess them. We are looking for character-driven stories with a focus on the history and source of power behind their chosen object which must be tied to the afterlife, the passage of time, or the thin veil separating the living from the dead. As these objects reveal their secrets, characters must confront their deepest fears and the inevitable reality of their own mortality. - this one was hard to find online, right now I can only find a Facebook Post. You can use this link to submit - SUBMIT HERE
Horror - Summer Slasher Issue - deadline March 1st - pay $100 - word count 1000-1500 - Story must focus on summertime slasher theme -- woo us. It's a magazine. Yes, it's horror. But let's not go ridiculous with scenes of gore. Keep it within reason. You can write what you want, I can choose what I want. Give me your best story. This was posted on Facebook in a comment under a post, so can’t link easily to submission info. Here is the email to send your story subject line should be Summer Slasher Contest - MY INSIGHTS - I worked with Lisa Vasquez when she bought my vampire story, Lucy Deserves the Finer Things, for her Vixens of Horror anthology. She is a very good editor.
Science Fiction - pay 8c a word - 100-4000 words - Open now for their Disability Pride Issue -deadline April 1st, 2025 - We want enthralling stories set in futures we might want to live in. Counter to the recent dystopian craze, we publish stories that shine with a more optimistic future, one we want to believe in, one we would fight for.
We're looking for
Captivating world-building
Character-rich, diverse settings
Well-written engaging plots that steer away from common tropes
Tension and conflict that leap out of the page and grab us
A good ending
Hard science fiction, stories based in explained science
MY INSIGHTS - I’ve subbed a few stories (9) to them, and they held one for a while and then sent me a kind rejection letter with feedback. I like this market.
This World of Vile Wonder: Horror Tales of the Scientific Revolution
HORROR -The Scythian Wolf - $75 per story - 5,000- 10,000 words -Jan 1 - Feb 28th - Story must be set between the years 1500 and 1700 ce Any category of science from the period welcome. With setting and details, historical accuracy is vital. All subgenres of horror welcome - I had to research what ce stands for, “It is a secular term used to denote the same period of time as AD (Anno Domini), which refers to the years after the birth of Jesus Christ. The use of "CE" avoids religious connotations and is often employed in academic or non-religious contexts to describe the calendar years. For example, 2024 CE is equivalent to 2024 AD.” My Insight -I’m not sending them in anything because I’d have to write fresh for this call (not having any trunk stories that meet such specific specs), and the pay isn’t high enough for such a high word count I.M.O unless you have something that fits this already.
SPEC - Theme: Wrath Month - open till May 31st - 6000 word max (target 4000 - 5000) - pay 8c a word - ANON subs- They are seeking fantasy, sci-fi, and horror stories that embrace punk and queer rage.
There’s a glass ceiling in SFF representation, and we want you to throw a brick through it. Bring us the coven that burned Salem and your roaring bear-serkers. We want gangs of acid-wash werewolves, furious bipyromancers, flesh-eating femmes, and vengeant celestial bois—a cast of the downtrodden who make ruins of their oppressors.
Wrath lies at the heart of queer liberation—it can be a spur to action and the only righteous response to a world that would prefer we didn’t exist. So crash mainframes, collapse empires, and break normativity.
Pride month is over. It’s time for— Wrath Month
Wrath is a complex emotion. It can burn hot like fire or cold like ice. It can encompass righteous anger or bloody vengeance. It can also go too far. The editors are open to the full spectrum of fury.
Baen Fantasy Award
Fantasy - Jan 20- April 30th - 8000 max - Grand prize winner gets pro pay, an award, and free books - ANON and sent as RTF - Looking for Adventure fantasy with heroes you want to root for. Warriors either modern or medieval, who solve problems with their wits or with their weapons—and we have nothing against dragons, elves, dwarves, castles under siege, urban fantasy, damsels in distress, or damsels who inflict distress.
INSIGHTS - my amazing and lovely writing friend Shannon Fox (Listen to my interview with her here!) came second last year with her story, “Water-witching” which she had me peer review before subbing. I am SO thrilled for her. Being recognized by this press can be a game-changing for a writer.
Sci Fi & Horror: open now- $10 a story- 100-10,000 words- Sim subs allowed - This is a brand new market. Send your subs to: - MY INSIGHTS - So I’ve already received my first rejection from this market. It took 9 days.
Humor - pays yes, not much - ongoing - max word count 1200 - not sure what they want, but I am going to send them a short non-fiction piece about a dead cat. Is there anything funnier than a dead cat? (I have three cats, so actually, dead cats make me sad. But I think my particular story is funny. I overheard it told by an older woman at Aquafit. I thought it was HYSTERICAL. So I sort of stole it and made it mine.)
Here are my two sweeties, Alvin & Janet.
Are you into cat stories? How about stories about any kind of pets? Check out this anthology featuring light horror and fun tales starring our furries.
Let these 13 tales starring strange creatures tickle your imagination.
Curl up with your cat, dog, iguana, or whatever pet keeps your lap warm with a book of scary short stories. Tales inspired by the Twilight Zone. But not too scary... because you want to sleep, right? Stories that will send a chill down your spine while leaving a smile on your face.
Thanks for including Certain Age in your list!