Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
42 Memo from the Jolly Overlords & R.J.K. Lee

42 Memo from the Jolly Overlords & R.J.K. Lee

Jingle, Jingle. Any time of year is a good time for Christmas Horror.

R.J.K. Lee not only reads his own story, "Memo From the Jolly Overlords", but also sticks around for a candid interview. Are you addicted to short stories? Desperately trying to figure out how to make money writing? Yup. Hang out for the chat afterwards.

Memo From the Jolly Overlords was first broadcast on the Weird Christmas Podcast in December of 2020 and then published in Book #1 of the HorrorLite Anthologies

R.J.K. Lee immigrated to Japan in 2005 from Oregon. He's puttered along train tracks to meet quotas for the overlords ever since, currently as a teacher, proof reader, and voice narrator, while churning out fiction. 

Ryland and I have shared a few Table of Contents, including DreamForge, Parsec's Triangulation anthology, The Seven Day Weekend, and Space & Time Magazine.

Grab a bag of sugar plums. Oh. And make sure to meet your quota...

Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
Angelique Fawns is a journalist and speculative fiction writer. She's researching publishing, promoting others, and sharing everything!