Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
30 Killer RV & Eda Obey

30 Killer RV & Eda Obey

There's nothing quite like a bucket list with a body count.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Profanity, violence, vigilantism.

Eda Obey (pen name EH Obey) reads the first two chapters of her novella KILLER RV.
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Baltimore housewife Delilah is thrilled to make friends with her new neighbor Peggy, who has terminal cancer, a vicious little dog, and an RV with a gimp drawer.

Stay tuned after the reading for a candid chat with Eda. This is our third interview on this podcast, and, as always, it goes some interesting places.

Ready for a road trip?

Angelique’s Substack
Read Me A Nightmare
Angelique Fawns is a journalist and speculative fiction writer. She's researching publishing, promoting others, and sharing everything!